
Children Ministry

Children Ministry caters to the need of
the kids from 0-12 years old
(K-12 or "kalong to 12 years old").

The Sunday School, which is held simultaneously with the Worship Service, is strategically grouped into four levels --
toddler (1-3yo), level 1 (3-7yo), level 2
(8-10yo) and level 3 (11-12yo).

Children Ministry
Dance Ministry

Dance Ministry

The Dance Ministry interprets the songs through choreographed movements and
dance patterns.

They work in consonance with the worship leaders and the band. They use various materials and instruments to enhance their expression of worship of God.

Hand in hand with the other members of the worship team, the dancers encourage
and motivate the church to participate in
our collective praise and worship of God.

Health and Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry helps the church develop health awareness through monitoring of blood pressure and sugar levels, and by doing health seminars as well.

By so doing, we hope to motivate the church to be mindful of their own health by teaching the saints some basic self-care practices.

Health and Wellness Ministry
Media and Arts Ministry

Media and Arts Ministry

The Media and Arts Ministry manages the technical aspect of Sunday Church
Meetings and other church activities --
onsite or online.

It is responsible for creating and managing content across media platforms (social
media, live streams and website). It also
works in coordination with the various ministries whenever its service is needed.

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry leads the people to a
place of spiritual communion where
corporately and individually, the church ministers serves God.

It ushers the congregation into the presence of God, promotes an atmosphere conducive to worship, and encourages congregational participation while keeping order.

Music Ministry
Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry

The Prayer Ministry meets regularly for its intercessory prayer -- to pray for the nation
and its leaders, for the body of Christ, for JFCM churches and leaders, and for the community.

Added to this is the commitment to do
visitation to those who are sick especially
those who are confined in hospitals, and to bereaved families.

Teaching Ministry

The Teaching Ministry prepares teachings and lessons for Sunday preaching, School of Workers, Couples' Ministry, Young Adults' Ministry, Workers' teaching and fellowships, seminars and retreats, and training classes.

Proclaiming the Word of God, the ministry
aims not only to inform its listeners but to persuade them to make a decision in life.

Teaching Ministry
Temple Keeping Ministry

Temple Keeping Ministry

The Temple Keeping Ministry takes care of
the maintenance, cleanliness, orderliness
and beautification of our Worship Center.

We believe that we do not only congregate
to worship and listen to the Word but are
also instructed to be good stewards of the facilities we are privileged with. And this includes the very place where we
collectively worship the Lord.

Ushering Ministry

The Ushering Ministry maintains order during Worship Services and other special activities
of the church.

It welcomes worshippers and newcomers into the sanctuary of the Lord. Ministers include gate keepers, door keepers, attendance monitoring team and worship hall ushers.

Ushering Ministry
Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry aims to help young
people grow personally and spiritually. The purpose of this ministry is to prepare them to their adult life within the context of the Christian faith and the church.

It strives to develop their interest in exploring ideas, abilities, talents intertwined with the Christian values and faith, supported by the community to which they belong.