JFCM Biñan

To Win. To Train. To Send.

Who We Are

The Jesus First Christian Ministries is a church-planting ministry founded in June 1987 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

It was registered with the Philippine Exchange Commission on May 31, 1989 as a non-denominational, non-profit, religious Christian organization. It is authorized to plant churches, build schools and engage in missions and civic activities that seek to promote the general well-being of man.

Why We Exist

The Jesus First Christian Ministries exists to glorify God. This, it seeks to do by bringing people to Christ; by training them unto spiritual maturity; by equipping them to do ministry and mission; and by enabling them to fulfill their calling in life.

We win people to the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of evangelism and church planting.
To Win

We win people to the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of evangelism and church planting.

We train people to do the work of the ministry through discipleship, ministry and mission training.
To Train

We train people to do the work of the ministry through discipleship, ministry and mission training.

We send people to do ministry and mission according to their developed natural and God-given abilities; and as the church is able.
To Send

We send people to do ministry and mission according to their developed natural and God-given abilities; and as the church is able.

What We Believe